Formação “MASS CASUALTY MANAGEMENT TRAINING” que irá ser realizada nas instalações do OCTANT HOTELS, Praia Verde, Algarve nos dias 1-4 Dezembro 2022.
O curso “MASS CASUALTY MANAGEMENT TRAINING” é uma formação com certificação internacional pela World Health Organization (WHO) e organizado pelo European Council of Disaster Medicine (ECDM), Global Health Security Alliance (GloHSA), Collaboration for Research to Enhance Disaster Medicine (CREDO) e International Commision on Disaster Medicine (ICDM) , com a colaboração de 120 Compressions,USA e apoio do Município de Castro Marim.
A formação decorrerá em inglês.
Para mais detalhes, por favor consulte a informação abaixo descrita.
“We are very proud to present you a fabulous course organized by World Health Organization (WHO), European Council of Disaster Medicine (ECDM), Global Heatlh Security Alliance (GloHSA), Collaboration for Research to Enhance Disaster Outcomes (CREDO) and International Commission on Disaster Medicine ( ICDM) with the collaboration of 120 Compressions and support of Município de Castro Marim.
The course will take place in OCTANT HOTELS, Praia Verde, Algarve, Portugal from 1-4th December 2022.
The Director of the course will be Ülkümen Rodoplu MD, from Turkey.
The fee is 350EUR.
Link for the application form:
WHO ACADEMY organized an education training course on management system that is effective, practical, easy to implement and can save more people.
It is a four day course.
It is designed for doctors, nurses, paramedics, hospital administrators, clinical staff, any other staff interested in disaster management.
The course aims the attendees to take active role during the sessions, while instructors present with powerpoint presentations, clinical and real life scenarios, table top drills.”